can i drill my own water well in texas
If you live in Texas and are considering drilling your own water well, be sure to understand the implication of the “right of capture.” This right entitles you with the permission to dig out a well on your own property and utilize the acquired water for whatever purpose – from watering the garden to filling a swimming pool. To start, confirm that this right extends to your property.
To receive the go-ahead to start extracting natural resources, you must apply for a permit with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Upon review, they’ll ensure your plan to safeguard the environment is suitable before granting access to begin drilling.
Once you possess authorization, it is necessary to identify a water well driller certified to drill in Texas. The driller must have the requisite tools for drilling the well and then securely capping it when complete.
If you’re in the market for a newly drilled water well, get ready to break out your wallet. Different depths and geological features can influence the price of the drilling process. Then, you’ll need to add the cost of a pump capable of lifting the water to the surface.
For Texas homeowners dreaming of a private water well, the path to access is clear – but it begins with securing your right to drill, obtaining the necessary permit from the TCEQ, and engaging a licensed driller to finalize the project. With a bit of preparation, you can dial in the perfect source of water for your lawn or pool, free from dealing with city supplies.
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