ventura county government water well drilling permi
For residents of Ventura County, it is required to obtain an approval from the Ventura County Environmental Health Division before drilling a water well. This single-use permit costs $241 and is valid for one full year from its date of issue; however, the fee is non-refundable regardless of whether or not the permit is used.
A permit is essential for any water well drilling project in order to ensure that any supplied water is safe and free of potential health risks to surrounding inhabitants. This law safeguards the quality of the groundwater by mandating that all wells be constructed properly.
The Ventura County Environmental Health Division is taking a very hands-on approach to the well construction project. They will carefully review the plans to make sure that they comply with the California Well Construction Standards and they will be inspecting the progress throughout the construction, ensuring that everything is in line with the approved plans.
Upon the completion of the well, the Ventura County Environmental Health Division will assess its condition to confirm that all standards have been met. After consideration, they will approve the well with a Certificate of Completion.
The team at the Environmental Health Division of Ventura County has prepared a detailed and informative Well Log, which states the specifics of the well in question – including its birthdate, as it were, with when it was constructed; its depth; casing details; static water level; and the amount of water it yields.
By no means does the Ventura County Environmental Health Division grant permission to use a private water well as a source of drinking water; instead, the outcome is left up to the homeowner to decide.
To ensure their water is safe for consumption, residents in Ventura County with private wells should conduct regular testing for bacteria and nitrates per the Environmental Health Division’s advice. If drinking water takes on a different flavor, scent, or hue, or if an uptick in illness is observed among household members; a certified lab should be consulted to analyze a water sample from the well.
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