water well driller jobs
Water well drillers traverse to job sites on a daily basis to implement or service wells. It takes a certain level of brawn and mechanical know-how to complete these tasks. Such work typically transpires in the great outdoors, regardless of the climate.
The vast majority of well drilling professionals gain their expertise through hands-on experience. Many begin in an assistant role and climb up the ladder, while others receive their education through extended apprenticeships, which can take anywhere from three to four years to complete.
Many water well drillers toil in the service of drilling companies, yet some opt to take the more exotic route with organizations that offer environmental drilling, mining, or construction.
Becoming a water well driller in the USA requires a license, which is granted to suitable applicants on a state level. Depending on the jurisdiction, there are different sets of conditions to be fulfilled before earning the permit.
Those who take on the daunting task of drilling water wells are exposed to a greater risk of injury and illness than any other profession, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Those in the business of drilling wells for water typically keep robust work schedules, with many willingly piling on hours beyond the traditional 40-hour workweek.
In 2019, the average yearly pay for water well drillers amounted to $37,860. Those who received the lowest salary earned less than $24,560 per annum, whereas the highest-paid 10 percent exceeded $62,430 per year.
FYL200 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FY580 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FY350 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FY280 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FY130 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FY180 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
FYX200 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
Diesel 12HP180View More >
FY450 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
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