water well drilling association
The nation relies heavily upon the contributions of the water well drilling industry to its economy, and for good reason. Not only did this sector of the US workforce generate an estimated $32 billion in fiscal year 2014, it was responsible for sustaining employment opportunities to over 200,000 individuals. Imagining a world without water wells would be difficult, as they are responsible for supplying clean water to homes and businesses across the US on a yearly basis.
The EPA and OSHA step in to guarantee the safety of water wells and their water supply, making sure any drilling operations adhere to their strict regulations. They make sure that not only the drilling process is secure, but also that the ultimate result–the water–is healthy and fit for consumption.
Boasting the biggest membership count of groundwater specialists worldwide, the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) is the main organization that shapes and leads the water well drilling industry. Pump installers, water well drillers, and water treatment professionals are all part of the NGWA.
For its members, NGWA offers a breadth of educational and training prospects, sources on crucial topics to the sector, and advocacy opportunities. Moreover, it aims to promote the science of groundwater and safeguard and bolster groundwater supplies.
Despite the strong regulatory and environmental pressures faced by professionals in the water well drilling sector, the industry has successfully endured, delivering an essential resource across the nation.
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