water well drilling washington pa
In the early 19th century, a practice began to take root in Washington County, Pennsylvania – one which would come to be known as water well drilling. Carried out by John Jamison, Sr. on his humble homestead in North Franklin Township in 1802, this activity has since evolved with various procedures and tools being utilized over time.
At the outset, digging wells did not require much effort – they rarely had to be deeper than 30 feet. However, this changed rapidly as demand for water rose, and the technologies of the late 1800s allowed for drilling rigs to tap into previously inaccessible depths of 1,000 feet.
In present times, the profession of drilling into the depths of Washington County in an effort to unearth fresh water still stands as a thriving enterprise. Scores of businesses have chosen this town as their headquarters, amid which many are located in the borough of Washington, specializing in the process of water well drilling.
Before taking the plunge and having a water well constructed on your property, there are some points you will want to ponder over. Firstly, you must acquire a permit from the Washington County Conservation District. Secondly, it is essential to seek out a reputable drilling firm that has expertise in drilling wells in the region.
To keep your water well at its best, regular maintenance is a must. This involves having the well water tested regularly and ensuring that all pumps and other apparatus stay in optimal condition.
These guidelines provide a guarantee of safe, reliable water supply from your water well over the long term. Adhere to them and reap the rewards of extended usability!
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FY300 Water Well Drilling RigView More >
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