watertec 40 water well drilling rig price
Introducing the Innovative Watertec 40 Well-Digging System
Watertec Drilling Systems proudly offers the Watertec 40, a powerful, portable water well drilling rig designed to tackle a wide range of applications for agricultural, commercial, industrial, and municipal water well projects with ease. This remarkable model is powered by diesel and can drill wells up to 400 feet deep with alarming speed. It comes equipt with a smooth four-speed transmission and a hydraulic pump with a capacity of forty gallons per minute. In addition, the Watertec 40 is equipped with an impressive downhole drilling motor capable of providing 100 rpm of torque to handle pipes up to four inches in diameter.
The John Deere 4045TF270 four-cylinder, turbocharged, diesel engine gives the Watertec 40 its 100 horsepower velocity at 2200 revolutions per minute. This engine is outfitted with a diesel particulate filter for protection against emissions. Driving the four-speed transmission with a 2.6:1 ratio is achieved through its hydraulic pump that yields a flow of 40 gallons per minute. A gearbox gives a reduction ratio of 4.5:1 while a downhole drilling motor with a hydraulically powered pump of 40 gallons per minute enables up to 100 rpm of torque. Not only that, but the Watertec 40 can accommodate up to four inches in diameter in drill pipe capacity.
The Watertec 40 allows operators to reach depths of up to 400 feet on various types of projects, including agriculture, industrial, commercial and municipal water well drillings. Crafted with a transmission allowing for four different speeds, a hydraulic pump providing 40 gallons per minute of flow, and a downhole drilling motor supplying up to 100 rpm of torque, this portable water well drilling rig is ideal for many different scenarios. Additionally, its drill pipe can accommodate an impressive maximum diameter of four inches.
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