well drilling water swivel
To keep the drill bit lubricated and cooled while boring through the earth, a water swivel is a mandatory component of the well drilling set up. This rotating junction connects the bit and pipe, shifting smoothly to guarantee rotation of the bit without obstruction. The water swivel similarly provides a necessary source of cooling water that prevents damage to the drill.
Atop the drill string, the water swivel, connected to a typical garden hose, exists. Drawing water to the array of ports allows the attachment of the required drill pipes, drill bit, and further equipment for completion of the task.
The water swivel is an integral part of the drilling routine and requires diligent upkeep. In order to execute its intended functions, it should be wiped down often to purge it of any grit and grime, while lubrication and seal replacements should be executed at appropriate intervals.
The water swivel takes on a dual responsibility – at once supplying water to the drill bit and providing a bearing by which the drill string can be vigorously supported. This bearing even offers a small amount of torque to the drill bit through the friction of the drill string upon it.
In order to ensure smooth functioning in the drilling process, caring for the central water swivel is absolutely critical. Without adequate attention to this piece of gear, operation could be severely affected.
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